I would like to propose an enhancement to the shift scheduling module regarding the calculation of total working hours. Currently, the system calculates the total hours between the clock-in and clock-out times without accounting for breaks, such as lunch breaks.
Requested Feature: I suggest adding a configurable option that allows users to define a break period (e.g., 30/60 minutes) during shifts, which would then be automatically deducted from the total working hours. For example, if an employee works from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM with a 1-hour lunch break from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, the system should calculate the total working time as 8 hours instead of 9.
Key Considerations:
The break duration should be flexible and allow users to specify the length (e.g., 30, 45, 60 minutes, etc.).
This feature could be optional, allowing businesses to choose whether or not to factor in break times.
The interface could include a field in the shift schedule setup to specify the break duration.
This functionality would enhance accuracy in calculating working hours and improve compliance with labor standards regarding breaks.
Thank you for considering this enhancement. I believe it will add significant value to the shift scheduling capabilities of the platform.
Best regards,